Thursday, 4 January 2007

OK, here's my first pic being added...

I have been very quiet on the craft front over christmas. However, I have a friend whose daugher will be 4 very soon. So I got to use a few new bits and bobs (Pebbles chalk and stencils) that I acquired over the silly season and had some fun. Hope you like! It is still a very simple card - I tend to prefer to keep them that way for the younger set. It also contains my first ever example of doodling.

Mr 5 is also joining the crafty ranks. After coming with me to find the fabric for a "Vet Vest" yesterday he also wanted to get a stamp, stickers and some paper. Plus a few other things.... I said no the others, but he got a skater stamp (I'll be able to use that!) and some monster stickers. he also joined the creatives club and has me downloading some projects for him. Oh Boy!

Right, need to go make a pie for picnic tea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, I saw your www on the se message board and thought I would take a look, was reading your blog and thought I would leave a comment. Then I had a wee giggle to see that you read my blog. I never knew....Anyway love the card and if you are into cardmaking check this out and give it a go.

Janine aka Angelgurl from SE