Wednesday, 24 January 2007

More cards

Hee hee... I got them done! I'm feeling very good tonight!!

The first card is for Dad - again thanks to a serviette from Keryn's collection. I had to (well, I wanted to - my mod podge jar that is MIA is less than a 1/4 full anyways..!) get some more mp from Spotlight today. I sooooooooo have issues with that store - but I will be kind and spare anyone reading those dramatic (painful / boring!) details...

Anyway, I am truly happy with how this turned out. The end result is quite different to what I thought I was going to do with it. Wven better - I got some ribbon in there!

Posted by Picasa This card is one for a Miss about to be 6 all the way in Belgium. I used my brand new sparkly MP here, cut out the angel and the stars - the bottom one has been raised with foam tape a little. Donna, I no longer have sparkle envy!!
I can't believe this Miss is actually almost 6! I first met her and her mum in Antwerp when my Mr 5 was literally 5 or 6 weeks old! Her and another friend who were to become good friends during our time over there. It was scary just thinking about how fast time had flown when they were all turning 5 over the last year. These were our first born babes! Mr 5 was just 18 months when we returned to NZ so he doesn't remember them - unless looking at the photos in the albums. I think the names are more like characters in a familiar book now!
These two ladies, and the 2 kids (and dads!) - as well as an additional two families became like family to me while I was over there. It seems very strange to know that people who were part of your every day fabric are literally on the other side of the world, sleeping while I do day time stuff, working while I'm dreaming...! Most of the little group have gone on to have No's 2 and even 3 in the intervening years. Little people we may never actually get to know, yet still have a connection with.
I owe a huge debt of friendship to these girlies. My very sanity and survival in a place so far from home often came down to you - miss you as always! (.............................I do - it's just I'm a hopeless letter writer...!!!)
The whole friendship thing has me thinking at the moment. I've signed up for my first ever circle journal through SE and am having to put together my two pages for it. I'm a little worried that my standard is different to the others - they are seriously very talented ladies!! However, I'm looking forward to challenging myself - and best of all, learning lots. About scrapbooking, but I'm guessing - a lot about the ladies involved - and me...! Yikes!
Oh - by the way - all you friends back here in NZ may be called upon soon..........think I'm gonna need some pics of you lot too........... :)
Ok, thoughts are heading into the silly area. must be my night-nights time.


Anonymous said...

love the for circle journals I felt like that in my first few. I can bring a few of mine along if you want on Friday?
Can give you lots of advice to, in fact I will do that right now!! Have fun!! Don't worry about comparing your work to everyone elses!!

Anonymous said...

Both cards look great - I am pleased that you are over the sparkle envy thing :-)


Keryn Campbell said...

It's so good to see those serviettes getting used. Great cards btw.

Lachy got down on my little suitcase early this morning as I was unpacking my bag. He's put his playing cards in it.

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Your cards are great! I know it's tempting to think our own cards are not as good as everyone else's, but it seems to be a pretty common thought. Enjoy your contact with all these talented ladies - you fit!

Rhi said...

Fab cards kelly. I woyuld never have known the playing cards were from a serviette, fantastic! I love the pink fairy, sooo cute!

Kathy said...

Well done Kelly, the black and red colour-scheme really works well, doesn't it?

I'm intrigued about what you're planning for the coke can rings - you're going to HAVE to do something with them to show us!!!

Gillian said...

Hi Kelly, love the card for your Dad, It's fantastic.. I bet he'll love it.. I hope you can enjoy the circle journal, don't be daunted by other peoples work, your work is lovely, just enjoy the journey.. :o)

Paula J Atkinson said...

Love the cards.
I've not been involved in a CJ but my team mates have had lot of trouble with people not passing them on in time!