Sunday, 7 January 2007

Happy, Happy, Joy Joy

Looks like a lot of us around the place read Ali Edwards' blog. I have to say that I really like her style - and the fact that most things in life are OK :)

I've chosen to accept the challenge and my word to live by for the year is HAPPY.

There have been a number of set backs for us over the last year or so, some big, some not so big. I've found myself at the end of last year realising that the drag of those and in a way just plain, old everyday living meant I was feeling pretty worn down. I wasn't taking the time to enjoy the pleasures that were there to be enjoyed. The family, my friends, blue skies (when they actually made an appearance!) etc etc. I've kinda gotten a bit over having the feeling of general down trodden-ness hanging around and what I want most from life now is just to be HAPPY.

A few of the places that I've dropped by have also been thinking of this and have picked up the challenge. There is some great thinking and some of the words people are living by this year are amazing. To choose just one is hard - but worthwhile. Why don't you have a go and figure out which word really speaks to you at the moment?


Anonymous said...

Great word Kelly, I can feel/see your happiness from here......

Paula J Atkinson said...

I'm "happy2 this year too!
I have a layout & a "happy tag" to carry with me when I have the wobbles. I am so looking forward to what else Ali has in store for us along the way. Great to "meet" someone else who is playing along. The more we know the easier it will be to spirit!!